Beauty & Fashion

Seasons Change Crop Tops Remain

I have no idea what is going on with the weather.  When I wore this outfit there was a mix of sun, rain, clouds, humidity, and chilly wind.  I’m just sitting over here twiddling my thumbs until spring decides to officially arrive.  Until then, my suggestion to look like you’re ready for spring, but not freezing to death in sun dresses is to, ahem, wear crop tops.  Well, along with pants and something to cover your arms if it’s actually chilly.  Okay but really, I adore crop tops.  If I could wear them every day I would.  If you don’t like crop tops, you should unfollow my blog immediately.  I’m kidding.  (Mom, don’t unfollow.)

I’m really weird about kimonos and dusters.  They have to be feminine and still have a little bit of a shape.  I would typically belt something like this, but the crop kept it a little more fun. This cute floral duster is on sale at Belk right now!

These jeans are awesome, guys!  I totally found them by accident at Dillard’s a few weeks ago.  The waist to hip to length ratio just works for me, and that’s not an easy feat. This is my first time purchasing this brand, but I’m definitely interested in trying more. Also, these are on sale right now too! Ugh, maybe blogging will make me a better bargain shopper.

I couldn’t find this exact strappy heel to share with you, but I found a similar pair and it’s the same brand!

I have so many white crop tops, but I cannot find this one online anywhere!  Here is a super cute copy from lulus.  It even has a higher neck if you don’t like exposing tummy and chest:{productid}&utm_content=12038114603_72973345523&gclid=CjwKCAjwzoDXBRBbEiwAGZRIeOgIvo9PG5BxSc0Z4a6BQjmBFfg8poaR-HuRglnAaEcwtsSoS2PVqBoCKSUQAvD_BwE

Tomorrow’s forecast shows rain….again.  Ugh. Hopefully I can share some super cute summer purchases soon.  If you have something you would like to see from me in the future, please leave me a comment! Working girl style, weekend style, skincare routine, recipes? Let me know =)

Thanks for reading and sharing in this fun journey with me!  It means the world to me.


DeAndra Lynette